Sunday, February 21, 2010

The dog days of winter

So AoL&R (yep, shorthand) reader and cancer battler Dave Strand was recently lamenting our lack of blog posts and so I explained to him that we've fallen into a a bit of a winter rut and haven't been doing anything interesting enough to warrant typing about it. Dave was having none of it and even provided the following suggestions for interesting activities in which we might participate: attend a Tea Party rally and get Sarah Palin's take on stem cell research and how Obama is the devil, set up a stand selling fake revolutionary war relics on the Freedom Trail, or stand on a peach crate at Copley Plaza and shout that Paul Revere was an alarmist.

All great suggestions, but not exacly our style. So rather than listen to any more of his new agey Carpe Diem B.S. or needy demands to be entertained during his recovery, I figured since it was 50 and sunny this weekend we'd go out and take a few pictures of some signs that I found mildly amusing and make them hilarious with zany captions.

You can take this road to Petco or else you can take the highway.

Whoever made this street a one way was a bit...wait for it...short sighted.

"Hello, 911? There's a huge fire in the orphanage downtown!"
"I knew you east coasters were a bit jaded but, damn."


Oh sure, Wang is lawyer, Wang has a nicer sign--you think I don't know he's always been your favorite!? Nothing I do is ever good enough for you! Me so solly I couldn't go to law school like Wang. Well guess what mom and dad, I sell insurance and I'm damn good at it. That's right, his real name is Wang, and I'm Chong, but noooo, Wang said we needed American names so we turned our backs on our heritage! Well, my eyes are wide open for the first time and no, I will not sit down and I don't care if I'm ruining Chinese new year. And one more thing--Steven is not just my "butler." No, you're drunk!

Racsim: it's ALWAYS funny.