Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One Year Down

Well, we've lived in Boston for a year now, a milestone we celebrated by drinking the bottle of champagne the realtor left us when we moved in with some oysters. Bet you didn't know we had oysters living with us. They keep to their beds for the most part. We were both somewhat surprised by how similar living here has been to the other cities we've lived in. Certain things (seafood, general quality of pizza) are mildly better; others (driving, Massholes) are slightly worse, but I sort of think there are more similarities than differences to living in larger U.S. cities--at least in Mpls, STL, and Boston.

We do sometimes use wicked as an adjective to modify other adjectives, which is still a conscious decision done for the the novelty. For now. I can also affect a slight Boston accent when I want to fit in with the Massholes. I guess that's about the only way we've become Bostony, Liz was a honker when we moved. I also get angry at and think bad thoughts about people who do inconsiderate things while I'm biking, but it's still the inwardly directed, Minnesotany kind of anger that simmers more than it yells swears at strangers. My co-worker who moved from IA says he likes the east coast abrasiveness because you know immediately who the assholes are; in the midwest it can take years to find that out.

We got visited several times, which was nice. My dad (2x), Liz's mom and Mitch, Liz's cousin (2x), Liz's sister (Kris), Liz's aunt and uncle, Missy and Rob from NYC, our Alabama friends, Greg, and Craig (last night) have all made appearances. Come on out, it gives us an excuse to eat lobster.

On the MN front last year, we made it back a few times and saw our last game in the Dome, where Liz had her last Dome Dog. We always wish we could be there more.

I've found that if I just pretend the Twins making the playoffs is like them winning the world series, it helps. Their runs have been just as exciting as any world series game and it softens the recovery time after a bad playoff performance.

Oh, and of course we were thrice blessed with nepheeci last year. It turns out there's not a collective word like "siblings" for nieces and nephews, so I invented one.

Pretty decent year, all told.

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