Wednesday, November 24, 2010

L'esprit d'escalier

It's been an interesting week in the world of bicycle commuting. A week ago today I left work early to go meet some people who were doing work on our house. I was enjoying the lack of traffic on the 1.8 miles of non-bike path road I have to travel in order to get home, zipping briskly down a small hill near our house, when the door to a Suburban flew open about six feet in front of me. The door hit the right side of my handlebars jackknifing and sending me over them. I flew a good 8 feet, executed a perfect shoulder roll, and got up without a scratch, despite being a bit stunned. I'd like to credit my catlike reflexes but in reality I just got pretty lucky. The fact that it's cold and I was wearing a jacket and cords helped as well. I had a pretty decent bruise on my calf the next day but all in all it was a best case scenario. The guy in the Suburban was pretty cool about it, although it occurred to me later that he never explicitly apologized and I suspect he may have been more concerned about me suing him over any bodily harm than the actual bodily harm I might have sustained. My bike was even unharmed, which didn't really matter since I have been riding my old one since my good one was stolen from outside work month or so ago. I hope I at least damaged his door. I have since been leaving a bit more space between me and parked cars, although being farther out in traffic is not really much better.

Anyways, l'esprit d'escalier is a French phrase for which we desperately need an English equivalent. Literally "staircase wit," it describes the situation where you think of an awesome comeback after the conversation is over, e.g. "The jerk store called and they're all out of you."

Example 2: A woman, to me, yesterday, after I slammed on the brakes to avoid running over her dog which had run out in front of me on the bike path at the last minute:
"Slow down, Jesus, you almost hit me!"
Me: "You're on the bike path, lady."
Her: "I don't give a shit!"
Me: "Ummm, yeah, I can see that!"
Ride off, shaking head.

A much better exchange, however, would have been:
"Slow down, Jesus, you almost hit me!"
"You're on the bike path, lady."
"I don't give a shit!"
"Well, then I guess I don't give a shit whether or not I run your dumb ass over. Sound fair?"
"Ummm, no!, sputter,'re a stupid head!"
"Yeah, go home and have sex with your dog you ugly old bag."
Ride off, triumphant.

But that wouldn't have been very Christian of me, now would it have? Some people.

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